Defense attorney: Your honor, my opponent is a cheat! 辩护律师:法官大人,我的对手是个骗子!
If, however, the defense attorney chooses to put the accused on the stand ( speak in her own defense), then the prosecutor gets a turn to ask questions. 但是,如果被告的律师选择了将被告推上证人席(也就是说让她为自己辩护),那么检察官就有机会提问。
My father was a criminal defense attorney. 我父亲是刑事辩护律师。
Jay Fahy, a former federal prosecutor and criminal defense attorney, explains relevant laws. 美国前联邦检察官、刑事辩护律师杰伊·费伊解释了相关的法律。
He was a local defense attorney. 他是当地的辩护律师。
In a court appearance tuesday, defense attorney Donald lykkebak appealed to the judge to release Nowak on bond. 周二在法庭上,美国国防部律师唐纳德利克巴要求法官释放诺瓦克。
So when the fourth trial began, the judge, prosecution, and the defense attorney all agreed that the courtroom should be closed to both spectators and the press. 于是,当第四次审判开始时,法官、检察官和辩护律师一致认为,应该不将审判对旁人和新闻界公开。
If he be not apt to beat over matters, and to call up one thing to prove and illustrate another, let him study the lawyers cases. The Study of Defense Attorney's Right of Evidence Acquaintance 如不善求同,不善以一物阐证另一物,可令读律师之案卷。辩护律师证据知悉权独立化研究&以与控方卷证移送关系为视角
The defense attorney charged that the jurors were biased. 辩护人指责陪审员偏袒一方。
The defense attorney for Sajid Ampatuan, son of Andal Senior, says he does not agree with the proposal. 老安德尔的儿子萨吉德·安帕团的辩护律师说,他不同意这项建议。
The legal profession is made up of solicitors ( lawyers) and advocates. The defense attorney pleads against the jury. 法律界分为事务律师和辩护律师。被告的辩护律师向陪审团提出抗辩。
The defense attorney pleads against the jury. 被告的辩护律师向陪审团提出抗辩。
Defense attorney Abebe Balcha says Schibbye and Persson strictly maintain their innocence on all terrorism charges. 辩护律师阿贝贝巴尔查说,希比和佩尔松对所有的恐怖主义指控都坚称他们是无辜的。
Why haven't we heard it from the defense attorney. 他的辩护律师干嘛不提出来。
A well-known defense attorney once remarked that the attorney that wins in a tax case is usually the attorney who is best prepared to present evidence efficiently. 一个有名的辩护律师曾经说道,能在税务案件中胜诉的律师常常是对出示证据作了充分准备。
Veteran defense attorney Tomas Olsson is among more than a dozen Swedish observers, journalists and diplomats attending the trial. 资深辩护律师托马斯·奥尔森是十几名来自瑞典的旁听者之一。法庭里的瑞典旁听者还包括新闻记者和外交官。
Bill Thomas, a defense attorney representing one of the team captains, said Tuesday that neither Seligmann nor Finnerty had any contact with the woman that night. 代表球队队长之一的辩护律师比尔·托马斯说,星期二那天晚上,塞格利曼恩和芬那提两人和那个女人都没有任何联系。
Any decent defense attorney would try. 任何一个像样的律师都会这样做的。
Good defense attorney'll just says they found the baby in the dumpster. 律师只是说他们在垃圾箱里找到了婴儿。
You know, I've shaken hands* With every marquee defense attorney in this town. 你知道吗?我和这城里个辩护律师都打过交道。
The judge, or in some cases the prosecutor and the defense attorney, then question potential jurors to ensure that they would decide the case fairly; 接着由法官(在某些情况下是检察官和被告的辩护律师)向候选的陪审员们提出问题,以确信他们能够公正地判决;
But* I'm concerned this defense attorney may tear you apart. 但是我担心被告律师会让你犯迷糊。
The jury found against the defendant. The defense attorney pleads against the jury. 陪审团作出了对被告不利的判决。被告的辩护律师向陪审团提出抗辩。
Working for the government as a prosecutor is different from working as a defense attorney. 这要看你给谁干,如果给政府工作,做检察官,那收入与做辩护律师就不一样。
Verdict can change the charge of bill when the court accept the victim's opinion, the defender's idea, or the defense attorney's view. 刑事诉讼的职能决定了人民法院可以采纳被害人、被告人或辩护人符合事实和法律的意见,从而改变公诉机关的起诉罪名。
The judicial personnel, electronic technical expert, organ identifying and authenticating electronic evidence and defense attorney could obtain evidence according to relevant rule, search and attachment rule and reliability rule. 取证主体应当包括司法人员、电子技术专家和电子司法取证鉴定认证机构以及辩护律师。取证规则包括关联性规则、搜查扣押规则和可靠性规则。
It not can only define the status of defense attorney as subject of action, but also can legally erase the limitations on rights of defense attorneys. 这样不仅可以明确辩护律师合法的诉讼主体地位,还可以从法律上消除对律师行使权利的限制。
What a real successful defense attorney is in pursuit of does not lie in the result that a suspect may be decided innocent, but rather, what he is pursuing is his supreme goal& the realization of procedural impartiality. 真正成功的优秀的辩护律师心中追求的不是个案中可能有罪的人被判无罪这种结果的出现,他追求的是他心中的梦,他的职业的最高理念&程序公正的实现。
Therefore, we shall make an investigation and analysis on the real status of defense attorney rights, and find out the fundamental problems which weaken the defense attorney function and protection of defense attorney rights. 因此,应当对我国辩护律师权利行使的现状进行实证考察和原因分析,找出我国目前辩护职能相对弱化、律师执业权利得不到保障的根本症结和问题所在。
Through the analysis on the developing trend of modern criminal defense system, we can reconstruct the system of defense attorney rights, based on combination of international standards and our real national conditions. 通过对现代刑事辩护制度发展趋势的分析,借鉴国际上的先进经验,结合我国实际,对我国辩护律师权利保障制度进行完善。